General Information

A submission window will open shortly

The Thitherword ethos is driven by the notion that we must walk with the Earth, which principally means recalling natural and cultural heritage, figured as a co-operative endeavour between human and nonhuman beings. As such, we try to take from many different perspectives, especially if they’re compatible with traditional ways of thinking and living. Are your views considered ‘outmoded’ in these rapidly changing times? Wary of dominant ideologies turning us away from the old and green? Did you lovingly craft a story from seedling to veteran tree and want it to continue to flourish? Send us your work and become part of a small-scale and authentic project.

Unfortunately, we can’t pay for contributions since this site costs money to maintain, but we may provide compensation in the future should Thitherword attract an enthusiastic readership.

Thitherword is eager to learn about its writers’ experiences of identity in relation to Earth heritage. However, we question the current identity focus in publishing, so we haven’t included a diversity statement and will not be limiting submissions to a particular demographic. Anyone is welcome to contribute.

  • All works should be sent anonymously

  • Please ensure your writing conforms as best as possible to the modern Shunn manuscript format (with personal details removed) (

  • Send submissions to

  • No simultaneous submissions, please

  • One submission per author in either nonfiction or fiction

  • We require first electronic rights with an exclusivity period of six months

    We’re looking for essays and stories with a focus on the loss or recovery of the storied and beautiful in relation to the natural world or the built environment.


  • Thitherword accepts essays of an academic nature (1000 - 3000 words) as well as personal writings, such as memoirs/reflections or shorter opinion pieces (500 - 1500 words)

  • If including references, please use MHRA 3rd edition (footnotes and bibliography)

  • Example topics:

    • How experiences of wonder reawaken us to the story of the Earth

    • The importance of natural motifs in architecture

    • An argument against the valorisation of ugliness and discordancy in modern art

    • Woodlands, parks, galleries and churches are steadily shrinking islands of meaning

    • What does ‘walking with the Earth' mean to you?

    • Have you discovered a renewed appreciation for tradition in these turbulent times?

    • Should we temper the fervour for Critical Social Justice in contemporary society?


  • Thitherword accepts short stories (max. 3000 words) and flash (300 - 1000 words)

  • We’re interested in the fantastical, a term that captures a range of speculative genres and styles, including magical realism, weird fiction and Secondary World fantasy. Although we’ll consider contributions in the latter genre, we prefer stories rooted in our world. And while we’re not averse to the dark and sombre in storytelling, we’re keen to read work of an affirmative and hopeful nature in the main.